
MexicoDental.Co is a Free Online Directory for Dental Clinics located in Mexico, tyring to offer their services to english speaking or tourists mainly coming from the U.S or Canada.

We are a Online Company dedicated to help end users find the best available medical care outside their country. We have other platforms for Medical Tourism and different country directories like Thailand, Costa Rica and Hungary.


We are a Non-Biase Dental Directory, all reviews on our website are certified and possible fakes or reviews from the same I.P address are deleted.

All clinics on our webpage where found thru online search and 3rd parties and are the top ranking clinics in that area. We update each clinic profile manually with as much information as we could find online, prices, information could be outdated.

The ranking of each clinic is determined on the number of reviews patients have left for them.



Thank you for your interest in advertising with us.

We do not charge you for any leads, inquires on our page as we are a Free Directory.

If you want to change your profile or add information the cost is $125 USD.

If you do not want to be listed on our site the removal cost is $200 USD.

If a complaint has been placed about your clinic on the site, we will confirm it via e-mail or phone, if the complaint is legitement we will not remove it unless the person that posted it allows us to.

We strive for the end user “Patients” to find the best clinic available in Mexico.


Any questions, concerns, comments please contact us at, or call to +1 888 242 9854.

    Get a Quote!

      For a more detailed estimate please send pictures of your smile and both upper and lower jaw, in 3 easy steps:

      1. Click the image of the camera

      2. Take pictures with your cell phone

      3. Place attachment


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