Based in Cancun, Dentistar prides itself in its lone around the globe in offering the leading porcelain crown services. This service is actually computerized, allowing the facility to offer it in way less than ten minutes, yet the results are highly guaranteed.
The guarantee comes in the sense that breakages and loss of colour becomes a thing of the past.
Because of its dedication to top-notch services over the year, Dentistar has lived to witness a very broad clientele from across the world, seeking address in all manners of dental concerns. Other services at the clinic include cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, full mouth reconstruction and dental implants, among others.
In addition to the broad range of services, the location of the facility gives the patients a wonderful opportunity to visit with the beauty of the numerous beaches in the region.
The clinic endeavors to ensure that by embracing technological developments, their services are offered in the least time possible, away from the traditional numerous appointments.
Cancun Smile Prices

Dental Implants
Price: $900 USD

Laser Withening
Price: $250 USD

Teeth Cleaning
Price: $90 USD

Price: $35 USD

Dental X-Ray
Price: $40 USD

Regular Extraction
Price: $60 USD

Surgical Extraction
Price: $100 USD

Full Denture
Price: $1,000 USD

Dental Implant
Price: $1,450 USD

All On 4
Price: $6,000 USD

Bone Graft
Price: $450 USD

Night Guard
Price: $100 USD
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