Teeth and Tooth

At Teeth and Tooth we are dental clinics, we care about maintaining quality standards, biosecurity and service. We have a team of experienced professionals and certified for the application of modern techniques and treatments, allowing comprehensive care without traveling.

We combine our expertise to find your smile, unique and natural.

The modern facilities, pleasant rooms that inspire cleanliness and safety and a group of professional and warm and friendly assistants will make your appointment an enjoyable and relaxing.

We comply with all biosafety standards for total peace of mind, thanks to strict sterilization protocols in all instruments and materials used and likewise on the premises.The clinics are equipped with the latest technology and materials and equipment are backed by the best manufacturers in the world, offering our patients a comprehensive service to maintain and restore oral health in both adults and children.

We also have flexible hours to suit any lifestyle. In the Teeth & Tooth dental clinics know that dentistry is one of the most widely biomedical areas benefiting from the new technologies, so professionals keep up to date with the latest information to get the best of science and technology and offer to those placed in them the most valuable asset they have, their health. We invite you to know our facilities where we can serve you as you deserve, you will find different packages and payment options that suited your lifestyle.

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Clinic Details

58 Blvd Benito Juárez Palmas Cuernavaca, Morelos 62000, Mexico.

Phone: +52 (777) 318 53 33

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 08:30 - 18:00 hrs.

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Get a Quote!

    For a more detailed estimate please send pictures of your smile and both upper and lower jaw, in 3 easy steps:

    1. Click the image of the camera

    2. Take pictures with your cell phone

    3. Place attachment


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