Clinica Ruiz

The aim Clinica Ruiz is your dental care and better your smile through our specialist services, we can attend dental problems in child or adults. Through the warmth and professionalism of our staff, our patients are attends with the delicacy, care and attention they deserve.

Dentist Gallery

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Clinic Details

Mirasol No. 4, Col. Cumbria Cuautitlán Izcalli, Estado de México, C.P. 54740 Mexico.

Phone: +52 (552) 136 06 34

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 20:00 hrs.
Saturday: 07:00 - 14:00 hrs.

Clinica Ruiz Dentists

Alejandro Ruiz picture

CD. ESP Alejandro Ruiz Moratilla

Odontopedriata and Orthodontist

Attention to patients with cleft lip and palate, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, orthodontic treatments for children and adults.

Dr Victor Lomas picture

C.D. Víctor Manuel Lomas Valencia

Multidisciplinary Dental Rehabilitation, analysis and smile makeover, planning complicated cases and highly aesthetic dentistry.

Dr Diana Escalante picture

C.D. Diana E. Escalante Ayala

Odontología Integral, Cirugía Bucal, Estética Dental

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    For a more detailed estimate please send pictures of your smile and both upper and lower jaw, in 3 easy steps:

    1. Click the image of the camera

    2. Take pictures with your cell phone

    3. Place attachment


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