Find dentists in Juarez, Mexico

Top Dentists in Ciudad Juarez

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Ciudad Juarez is a city in Mexico located in the north of the country, in the state of Chihuahua, on the banks of the Rio Grande. On the other side of the river, in US territory, is the city of El Paso (Texas). Due to its population of 1 391 180 inhabitants according to the 2015 Census, it is the largest city in the state of Chihuahua and the eighth largest metropolitan area in Mexico.

The two border cities make up the second largest transnational metropolitan area in Mexico and the United States, which is currently around 2 million inhabitants.


As a result, it has an economy based on the maquila industry made up of more than 200 maquiladora companies. Which are strategically located in the border bridges and fast access areas, have American investors, and their economy is also based on the export of merchandise. Most of the inputs are from the United States and the companies are US subsidiaries that settle in Mexico to take advantage of the low cost of the labor factor. In order not to incur freight costs and for logistics reasons, a large part of these industries are installed in cities along the border: Matamoros, Reynosa and Nuevo Laredo to the East, Ciudad Juarez in the center; and Nogales, Mexicali and Tijuana to the west.

If you are looking for good dental specialists, Ciudad Juarez has a wide range of clinics to choose from, you can see them within this website.

Dentists in Juarez

Nucleo Dental

Ubication >> Blvd. Tomás Fernández #7803,Los Parques, Ciudad Juárez,Chih C.P.32000

Nucleo Dental is dental clinic established in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, near the border with United States. Their main objective is to provide their patients with top quality and comprehensive dental care. The staff at Nucleo Dental clinic speaks fluently both Spanish and English.

Brio Dental

Ubication >> Av de la Raza 5385, Mascareñas, 32340 Cd Juárez, Chih.

Brio Dental is near of border El Paso Texas, in the city of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. We have a network of dental specialist, what will attend and help if you need implants, crowns, bridges, veneers and dentures.

Quiroga Dental

Ubication >> 465 Avenue de las Americas, Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico

Quiroga Dental Care was established in 1992 by Dr. Quiroga in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, where he practiced for more than 25 years.

Rio Dental Clinic

Ubication >> Av de la Raza 4200, Los Nogales, 32350 Juárez, Chih., México

Rio Dental Clinic is clinic which provides solutions and treatments in the field of dental care, and is situated in Juarez, Mexico. The location is great because the clinic is very close to El Paso, Texas, USA, which is even better for international patients knowing they are half an hour away from top quality dental care in half or more the price they would pay back home.

Dental Implant Center – Enrique Trevino Bazan

Ubication >> Avenida de las Americas 452, Zona Pronaf Condominio La Plata, 32315 Cd Juarez, Chih.

At Dental Implant Center – Enrique Trevino Bazan We offer all the dental services, executed by experienced professionals, with an unbeatable quality and with current technology. All our procedures are performed in facilities, comfortable and spacious. As you deserve it !! we have a team you can really trust!

Medwest Dental Famliy Of Clinics Office / Laser Tech Dental

Ubication >> Nuevo Zaragoza, Av. Waterfill 369, C . Río Bravo, 32550 Juárez, Chih., México

At Medwest Dental Family Of Clinics Office / Laser Tech Dental clinics We offer all the dental services, executed by experienced professionals, with an unbeatable quality and with current technology. All our procedures are performed in facilities, comfortable and spacious. As you deserve it !! we have a team you can really trust!

Center For Dental Health & Cosmetics

Ubication >> Zempoala 3851, Mayorca, 32310 Juárez, Chih., México

Center For Dental Health & Cosmetics is located just minutes from the border with America. The clinic is located in Ciudad Juárez, just because it’s transportation center and many patients from the U.S. cross the border in order to save a large sum of money on dental services.