Tardaguila Periodontal Clinic

Tardaguila Periodontal Clinic has a tenure of 26 years. During that time, Dr. Gabriel Tardaguila specializes in dentistry and a large part of the money invested in the dental clinic and modern equipment. The office is located in Nogales.

The specialized dental equipment not only aids the clinic in determining your particular needs.

but it shows you exactly what problems you have and it gives you the ability to make an informed decision as to what treatment you are going to have and the timing of it. The Digital X-Ray System is the safest available to the patients and it allows the doctors to immediately show the patients potential problems and to aid in treatment understanding.

There is ample room in the upscale reception area for the patient’s guests, but the schedule is normally set to minimize or eliminate patient waiting time. Unlike most US dental offices, the Tardaguila Periodontal Clinic values the patient’s time and strives to meet the patient’s appointment needs.

The Doctor prides himself in the quality and professionalism of his work, his equipment and especially his highly trained staff. Pictured to the left are Marah and Carolina, Dental Technicians, Dra. Hilda Contreras, General Dentistry and Esmyrna (Minnie), Office Manager.

Tardaguila Periodontal Clinic

Clinic Details

Location: Campillo No. 86, Nogales, Sonora 84000, Mexico.

Phone: +52 631 3120070

Opening hours:
Mon: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Tue: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Wed: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Thu: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Fri: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Sat: 9:00-13:00 hrs

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    For a more detailed estimate please send pictures of your smile and both upper and lower jaw, in 3 easy steps:

    1. Click the image of the camera

    2. Take pictures with your cell phone

    3. Place attachment


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