Biodental Studios

Headed by Dr. Javier Morales, DDS and Dr. Edgar Montano Biodental Studios in a very short time became a leader in the provision of dental services using biologically acceptable materials. Through the years they kicked out the use of toxic elements and are oriented toward alternatives. They offer everything you need for cosmetic dentistry and implants.

bio dental studios

Location: Location: Calle 6ta. y Mutualismo, 1217, Zona Centro, Tijuana, B.C., Mexico.

Phone: +52 6646883248

Opening hours:
Mon: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Tue: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Wed: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Thu: 9:00-18:00 hrs
Fri: 9:00-18:00 hrs

Biodental Studios Dentists

Ricardo Guevara, DDS

Dr. Morales

D.D.S, Holistic Dentist

Get a Quote!

    For a more detailed estimate please send pictures of your smile and both upper and lower jaw, in 3 easy steps:

    1. Click the image of the camera

    2. Take pictures with your cell phone

    3. Place attachment


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