Nuevo Progreso Dentist Prices

Nuevo Progreso offers an affordable Dental health care alternative as well with fully licensed and certified dentists and dental specialists, the town is very quiet and many visitors from Texas are looking services on procedures such as crowns, bridges, removable prosthetics, fixed prosthetics such as full-mouth, single-tooth implants, and cosmetic dentistry.

Look this video of a visit in Nuevo Progreso a Safe place for take a dental care.

Check the Nuevo Progreso dentist prices.

Root Canal

Root Canal

root canal

Molar Root Canal

molar root canal


Ceramic Braces

ceramic braces

Metal Braces

metal braces

Adult Braces

adult braces

Child Braces

child braces

Dental Crowns

PFM Crown

treatments mexicodental

Details: The average price of porcelain fused to metal crowns in Mexico can range anywhere from $150 USD to $400 USD. The recommended cost for a quality facility will be around $250 USD to $350 USD. Porcelain fused to metal crowns are the most common type of restoration made in Mexico. When researching for a clinic it is important to find a quality clinic that will deliver a guarantee on these crowns.

Ceramic Crown

treatments mexicodental

Details: Ceramic Crowns now a days are one of the best restorations available for patients, no metals required, aesthetic feel and look, and great strength and durability. These ceramic crowns can range from around $300 USD to $500 USD, they can be hand made or made by computer thru cad/cam systems. When trying to find a clinic abroad look for a clinic that offers these type of crowns at around these prices

Zirconia Crown

treatments mexico dental

Details: Zirconia Crowns can be done in two methods either monolithic zirconia meaning that its a full coutur All zirconia crown or a Zirconia fused to porcelain crown. The average price for a zirconia crown in Mexico ranges anywhere from $350 USD to $500 USD, depending on the area if they have to outsource it or if it’s done in-house. Zirconia know a days has become the leading material in crowns because of its durability and strength. Find the best providers for zirconia crowns in Mexico.

Temporary Crown

temporary crown

Details: Temporary crowns in Mexico are usually included free in treatment plans, Unless they are long term temporary crowns, Long term temporary crowns are usually made by high impact acrylic or made with sistems with a material commonly know as PMMA, these crowns might range in cost from $100 USD to $200 USD

Dental Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

porcelain veneers

Details: Thousand of American and Canadians go to Mexico each year for Porcelain Dental Veneers, Porcelain Veneers usually range from anywhere from $300 USD to $600 USD in Mexico. These Veneers are commonly made with quality material like Davinci Porcelain, Emax Porcelain and other mayor brands. Veneering your upper front 6 teeth might cost you around $2400 USD, Click the following links and find a certified dentist in Mexico that provides aesthetic high quality veneers.


Immediate Dentures

immediate dentures


Composite (White) Filling

treatments mexicodental

Other Procedures

Dental Bonding

treatments mexico dental

Wisdom Teeth Removal

wisdom teeth removal

Teeth Whitening

Zoom! Teeth Whitening

zoom teeth whitening

Dental Implants

Titanium Dental Implant (including abutment and standard crown)

treatments mexico dental

Details: Titanium Dental Implant is the most commonly used implant in dentistry, other options like zirconium implants are available now but haven’t been in the market long enough to determine their success. Most providers in Mexico for dental implants provide tianium implants, The price for the implant placement only not including the restoration ranges anywhere from $700 USD to $1100 USD. Prices may vary if you are getting multiple implants, if you have bone lose, if you need extractions and other factors alike.

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